Knowledge Sharing

Cultivating New Moon Intentions

Cultivating New Moon Intentions

The new moon is a perfect time to be cultivating intentions for the month ahead. This time of dark is like planting your seeds in the dark soil of...

The Microbiome in Your Gut and How It Affects Your Mental Health and Overall Health.

The Microbiome in Your Gut and How It Affects Your Mental Health and Overall Health.

By Guest Author - Rachel Costello  Ayurveda Practitioner, Regenerative health detoxification student.   Have you ever gotten a “gut feeling”...

Creating a Circle for the Fall Equinox

Creating a Circle for the Fall Equinox

Happy Fall Equinox! A beautiful time to celebrate the abundance of the summer and the work accomplished throughout the year. In our family it's an...

A Beginner's Guide to Crystals | 10 to get you started

A Beginner's Guide to Crystals | 10 to get you started

In a world of crystals, stones, energy and healing it can get a little confusing on where to start. I'm here to tell you it's not as intimidating as you think!

When you're starting to work with crystals always follow your intuition, it will never lead you astray. One of the main things I tell people is that you are drawn to what will serve you. It is your intuitions way of guiding you in the right direction. If you're reading this and thinking, "intuition?!" - go with the one you are most attracted to. 

How to Use My Crystals and Stones

How to Use My Crystals and Stones

  Everyone is crystal curious these days and these beautiful energetic tools are just waiting to be used. In such a chaotic world crystal energy ca...

Stones and Crystals to Help Keep You Grounded

Stones and Crystals to Help Keep You Grounded

There are practices like meditation, yoga, yoga nidra, and mindfulness that can help keep you grounded. Crystals are a wonderful energetic addition to these practices. 

Here is a list of stones and crystals to help keep you grounded during crazy times.

Crystals for the Fall Equinox

Crystals for the Fall Equinox

Ah, the fresh smell of Autumn air. My personal favorite time of the year for several reasons. It seems that in the fall we return to a bit of routi...

Cooling Crystals for Summer

Cooling Crystals for Summer

Summer is known as the Pitta season and for many of us with Pitta tendencies this can kick our temp AND temper up a notch. Here is a list of stones...

Stones and Crystals that are good for Self Confidence

Stones and Crystals that are good for Self Confidence

Whether you are newly stepping into your power or you shutter at the thought of it this is a list of stones and crystals that are good for self con...

Stones and Crystals to Support Transformation and Growth

Stones and Crystals to Support Transformation and Growth

Whether a complete surprise or a long thought out transition, change is always going to be there. When we are in these times of transformation and ...

Spring Inspiration :: How to Cultivate Transformation and Personal Growth

Spring Inspiration :: How to Cultivate Transformation and Personal Growth

How to Celebrate Spring and/or the Equinox The spring is a time of new growth, fresh energy and a time to shed the cold of winter. Let's take inspi...

Why Self Love is Important and How You Can Practice More of It

Why Self Love is Important and How You Can Practice More of It

Why Self Love Is Important The way we are able to love ourselves sets the tone for the way we love others and essentially the way we show others ho...