a mothers intuition mothers day mama moxie malas

Mother's Day | Mama's Intuition

Regular price $ 44.00 Sale

As mother's we have so many different opinions, people with advice and the internet telling us what to do. Deep down you know what is best for you, for your family, and for your children. Quiet all the noise and tap into that maternal instinct that exists within. You got this mama. 

Stones and Crystals Included:

  • Fluorite - Connecting to higher self, healing energy.
  • Prehnite - High heart, healer's healer, divine love.
  • Moonstone - Connecting with divine feminine energy, tapping into your intuition.
  • Opalite - Helps to balance during times of transition and change.
  • Labradorite - Intuition, transformation, moving forward with ease.
  • Lapis Lazuli - Personal power, protection, intuition, and confidence.
  • Sodalite - Communication, intellect, clarity.
  • Amethyst - Master healer, calming, soothing, intuition. 

This bracelet is 7 1/4 inch, stretch elastic and handmade with love and mindfulness in Minnesota. It comes in a box with a card that describes the meaning of the bracelet and the stones. 

Note: Healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing, not prescription or healthcare information.