archangel uriel black gold and brown with clear quartz moxie malas bracelet

Uriel | Archangel Bracelet

Regular price $ 44.00 Sale

As the Archangel of wisdom, Uriel comes in with a flaming sword to remove the obstacles holding you back. Uriel helps to transmute feelings of anger, despair, and fear into their positive counterparts to bring about personal transformation. This support brings about positive change in our lives and helps to enhance our inner strength and resilience.

Stones and Crystals Included:

  • Clear Quartz - amplifier of energy, connects us to the higher realms
  • Obsidian - protection, strength, grounding
  • Rutilated Quartz - facilitates transformation and change
  • Smoky Quartz - transmutes negative energy into positive
  • Hematite - grounding, strong foundation, stability
  • Tiger Eye - personal power, protection, strength

            Size: 7 1/4 Inch Bracelet

            This Archangel Collection Bracelet is stretch elastic and handmade with love and mindfulness in Minnesota. It comes in a box with a card that describes the meaning of the bracelet and the stones. 

            Note: Healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing, not prescription or healthcare information.