Knowledge Sharing

Shedding Your Shell

Shedding Your Shell

I had a very interesting vision come through in my meditation this morning and I feel strongly that I need to share it with you all - or whoever fe...

Garden With Me!

Garden With Me!

If you are here you either found this page on the website or you follow my personal social media accounts. The reason I say this is because this is...

Reflections | Costa Rica Spring 2024

Reflections | Costa Rica Spring 2024

Never in my life did I think I would have such a hard time leaving the jungle. As a born and raised Minnesotan I couldn't imagine feeling so at hom...

The Power of Perspective

The Power of Perspective

This month's bracelet is something so near and dear to my heart. There have been so many times in my life where my perspective on all different ...

Celebrating the Summer Solstice and the Light Within

Celebrating the Summer Solstice and the Light Within

The Summer Solstice is upon us! What is the Summer Solstice you ask? It's the longest day of the year where the sun is at it's highest point in the...

Recognizing and Acknowledging Emotions in the Body

Recognizing and Acknowledging Emotions in the Body

As I sit here writing this I can feel the grief in my chest, the anger in my arms, and the nerves in my stomach, all while having love flooding my ...

Expansion 2023 :: Recap + Reflection

Expansion 2023 :: Recap + Reflection

Expansion is one of, if not the biggest event we have of the year. It is a time when we come together in community, focus on what we are looking t...

The Importance of Solitude

The Importance of Solitude

Recently, it had been suggested to me that I should go on a solo trip to clear my mind, rest, and restore my whole being. When it was first suggested I thought "no way! When would I be able to clear my calendar for any amount of time, let alone a few days?". As I come to find out, it is exactly then that it's not about finding the time, but rather about creating the time in your schedule. 

Cultivating New Moon Intentions

Cultivating New Moon Intentions

The new moon is a perfect time to be cultivating intentions for the month ahead. This time of dark is like planting your seeds in the dark soil of...

The Microbiome in Your Gut and How It Affects Your Mental Health and Overall Health.

The Microbiome in Your Gut and How It Affects Your Mental Health and Overall Health.

By Guest Author - Rachel Costello  Ayurveda Practitioner, Regenerative health detoxification student.   Have you ever gotten a “gut feeling”...

Creating a Circle for the Fall Equinox

Creating a Circle for the Fall Equinox

Happy Fall Equinox! A beautiful time to celebrate the abundance of the summer and the work accomplished throughout the year. In our family it's an...

A Beginner's Guide to Crystals | 10 to get you started

A Beginner's Guide to Crystals | 10 to get you started

In a world of crystals, stones, energy and healing it can get a little confusing on where to start. I'm here to tell you it's not as intimidating as you think!

When you're starting to work with crystals always follow your intuition, it will never lead you astray. One of the main things I tell people is that you are drawn to what will serve you. It is your intuitions way of guiding you in the right direction. If you're reading this and thinking, "intuition?!" - go with the one you are most attracted to.