Paranormal 60 Protection Bracelet

Regular price $ 40.00 Sale

The Paranormal 60 Protection bracelet is all about that, protection. Whether you experience the paranormal on a day to day or you're seeking it out on an investigation this combination of stones is going to help you to feel grounded, protected, and provide clarity as you navigate the unknown. 

Stones and Crystals Infused with Reiki Energy Included:

  • Cherry Jade - Passion, drive, warrior energy, removes fear.
  • Howlite - Brings about clarity, inner peace, patience, and perspective.
  • Obsidian - Grounding and protects against negative energy.
  • Hematite - Very stabilizing, maintains connection to the physical body while doing spiritual work.
  • Smoky Quartz - Releasing all that does not serve, transmutes negative energy into positive energy.
  • Snowflake Obsidian - Helps to achieve balance in mind/body/spirit clearing unwanted energies, assists in having one foot in the physical realm and one foot in the spiritual realm.

Size: 8 Inch Bracelet or 7 Inch Bracelet - PLEASE select size above before checking out!

This bracelet is stretch elastic and handmade with love and mindfulness in Minnesota. It comes in a box with a card that describes the meaning of the bracelet and the stones. 

Note: Healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing, not prescription or healthcare information.

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