Paranormal 60 Phases Bracelet

Regular price $ 40.00 Sale

Paranormal 60 Phases Bracelet
Like life we move through phases of darkness and back into the light.  The lesson being, like our celestial cousin, life is a journey that although feels like it spins beyond our control, it brings moments of life both light and dark. When taking a moment to see the bigger picture you can see the beauty in each phase.

Stones and Crystals Infused with Reiki Energy Included:

  • Cherry Jade - Passion, drive, warrior energy, removes fear.
  • Howlite - Brings about clarity, inner peace, patience, and perspective.
  • Obsidian - Grounding and protects against negative energy.
  • Hematite - Very stabilizing, maintains connection to the physical body while doing spiritual work.
  • Snowflake Obsidian - Helps to achieve balance in mind/body/spirit clearing unwanted energies, assists in having one foot in the physical realm and one foot in the spiritual realm.

Size: 8 Inch Bracelet or 7 Inch Bracelet - PLEASE select size above before checking out!

This bracelet is stretch elastic and handmade with love and mindfulness in Minnesota. It comes in a box with a card that describes the meaning of the bracelet and the stones. 

Note: Healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing, not prescription or healthcare information.

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