Surya - Sun Double Wrap 8mm essential oil diffuser stretch elastic Bracelet

Surya - Sun Double Wrap Bracelet

Regular price $ 58.00 Sale

Life Giving | Masculine | Power

The sun represents the masculine energy within us. The drive, willpower, personal power, and strength. Sometimes we need a little reminder of how much of the sun really exists within each of us. Let us not be burned by the raging fire, but rather fueled by it's warmth. 

Pairs perfectly with the Surya Sun Mala - select "Set" above to purchase both!

 Stones and Crystals Included:

Tiger's Eye, Gold Leaf, Citrine, Calcite, Yellow Mookaite, Sunstone, Yellow Jade.

Includes sun charm and accent pieces. 

This bracelet is stretch elastic and to be wrapped twice around the wrist. It is handmade with love and mindfulness in Minnesota and will come in a box with a card that describes the meaning of the bracelet and the stones.

Note: Healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing, not prescription or healthcare information.