Akasha Living Earth 8mm stretch elastic essential oil diffuser  Bracelet

Living Earth - Earth Bracelet

Regular price $ 0.00 $ 38.00 Sale

Rooting | Crafting | Conserving

The steadfastness of the Earth gives us a place to ground down and reconnect with the oneness of all living things. When life tends to overwhelm the Earth energy is wonderful for re-centering and calming the nerves. The Earth element has long been known for fertility, growth, life, and abundance. 

Pairs perfectly with the Living Earth - Earth Element Mala - select "Set" above to purchase both!

Stones and Crystals Included:

  • Smoky Quartz - Protection against negative energy, positivity. 
  • Chrysocolla - Eases fear, anxiety and guilt. Brings hope.
  • Sodalite - Communication and intellect.
  • Rosewood - Compassion and grace.
  • Malachite - Positive transformation.
  • Picture Jasper - Connection to Earth.
  • Bloodstone - Centering and Grounding.
  • Lapis Lazuli - Self knowledge, stress relief and deep peace.

Includes brass Earth Charm. 

This bracelet is 7 1/4 inch stretch elastic and handmade with love and mindfulness in Minnesota. It comes in a box with a card that describes the meaning of the bracelet and the stones.

Note: Healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing, not prescription or healthcare information.